
How do you make an event memorable? Make it different. Make it feel different. Whether online or face-to-face, it’s possible for your event to have impact long after everyone has gone home.

Here are a few examples to wet your whistle.

Most artwork that we’ve created has followed Visual Thinkery’s 10 ideas process, which means that we explore multiple directions collaboratively using conversation.

The Domains Machine - the Reclaim Roadshow

Reclaim Roadshow

Every Reclaim Hosting roadshow is a wacky adventure…

What Works logo - Kenyon College

What works?

Creating a visual language for the What Works? conference hosted by Kenyon College.

Arm and a Leg properties - Platform Places

Platform Places

Reflective live drawing from a group of social entrepreneurs – which evolved into Platform Places.

OER20 - Gold Seal


The gold seal of the conference – also looking good on stickers and T-shirts…

OERxDomains Open Community Production

OERxDomains TV-drome

TVs became the aesthetic for the OERxDomains conference during lockdown – which was a real hit!

Shaping Future Landscapes - Poster

Shaping Future Landscapes

We explored the viewpoints of the Tree, Cow and Snail for LiveScience3’s Summer Campus hosted by the University of Göttingen.

Your kids keep asking questions

Reflective Live draw

By tuning into the conversations that take place at a conference, we can create quick visual reflections that become visual artifacts. This is one sketch from The Critical Engineer event.

OERxDomains TV Guide

OERxDomains TV guide

Once there is a visual language in place, the rest follows…

OER20 Soup can

Soup Can

An iconic visual – representing the theme of the conference “Care in Open”.

Say Hello!
If you'd like to talk with us about a project, we're all ears!