Examples of Visual Thinkery

Most artwork that we’ve created has followed Visual Thinkery’s 10 ideas process, which means that we explore multiple directions collaboratively using conversation.

Click on a category below see lots of examples.


Cartoon - Fire hose


Humour + Visual + Story = Custom cartoons for whatever you're trying to say.

25 Years of EdTech - Cover


Create a brand that belongs on the laptop stickers and T-shirts of your followers.

OER22 - Event logo


Ensure that your event grabs the attention of a global audience.

Open Degree Programme (Open University)


Create artwork that resonates with people so that they share with their network.

25 Years of EdTech - Cover


Translate tricky concepts using a unique visual language.

Remixer - Field Notes

Visual Tools

Build Remixers, ice-breakers and badge-presses - all with custom visual interactivity.

25 years of Ed Tech - Martin Weller

Cover Art

Create book and report covers that grab attention, and becomes iconic.

Empire Pen


Make the artwork come to life by giving it movement.

Getting your ideas to hang around - a person looking at various images hung up on a wall.


Get people together and think through stuff using visual tricks.

Say Hello!
If you'd like to talk with us about a project, we're all ears!